perm filename TOAD[AP,DBL] blob sn#215672 filedate 1976-05-17 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
∂17-MAY-76  1358	DBL  	your comments 
I received the first half back today in the mail, a few minutes before
your last message, in fact. I really appreciate the speedy turn-around.
I haven't digested your comments yet, but a cursory look shows that you
have in fact located some areas that need work. This work falls into 2
categories: (i) Real thought, research, etc.; (ii) Re-writing to improve
communication of the same ideas. I'll let you know in a couple days what
percentage of each your comments inspired.

Of course I am interested in being your advisor; at least, interested enough
to talk to you about it in person. I'll be at CMU in a couple weeks
(June 1-4, roughly). Keep some time open then, and we'll get together.
Your thesis ideas are intriguing, but (as with all proposals) probably
too sweeping (too general, fuzzy, etc) to be a single thesis-size project.
You'd be surprised how much of my original proposal never got realized
in AM! In fact, I'll bring along a copy, just to show you.

Doug Lenat